Monday, May 23, 2016

Anything Else? Actually Yes

So for the last month and a half or so, I have put one phrase in the "anything else?" box when I go to turn in my post, in hopes that it would make it onto the screen for class. However, it did not matter how early I turned in my post, the phrase never did. So here it is for anybody who could possibly still be reading my blog.

You're not gonna believe this, but I just found out that the last American Man-Eagle is still out there, and you can bet your balls I'm gonna ride that bird, and bring freedom, back to this TOWN!

So there, I said it. And screw you Nelson, cuz that shit's hilarious...

But enough about that, I'm here to do my final post for this class, so let me share what I have learned this year, and let these be some parting words my friends.

High school
a place where beautifully diverse minds
come together in a special way
to learn what paths of life they wish to take.

Some think that adult decisions start
when you move out to college or get a job
but no,
I have found that that is not the case

We begin making the choice of who we are
and who we wish to become 
when we consciously make choices due to
what others think about us.

We are social creatures
and to some degree all of us
want to feel like we are a part of something
like a community or family

As we strive to fit in with people that we admire
we can tend to get caught up in
and identity that isn't our own
and we may soon lose sight of 
the difference between 
who we are
and who we THINK we are

Realizing these things are not the same
is one of the first steps to self realization.
And finding true happiness

Because we are never truly happy,
unless we are truly ourselves.

This has been the biggest lesson high school
has taught me,
and it didn't come out of a 
lecture or a class

It was something I had to learn on my own

I hope that this is something you can take
with you as you continue your life
and that you'll find many amazing friends with this knowledge

The best of friends are the ones that love you for who you are,
no matter what.
Not the ones that love you for who they think you are,
because if you have to be somebody else to be their friend.
They aren't really your friend

I wish you all the very best as you move on to your next chapter.
And I just wanted to thank you for reading this, or any of my other posts.
Even if there are only a few of you, it means a lot knowing
that maybe I wrote these for more people than just myself.
And I hope you've been able to find some inspiration or something you can
connect with in the things I've written.

P.S. In a post I made a long time ago, I made a promise to tell you who I am. So...

I AM a powerful, passionate, creative, loving man of light

But hopefully you already knew that.;)
Thanks again

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Nostalgia of my Future

Looking back on my past, there aren't a lot of times I wish I could relive. My childhood was less than spectacular, elementary school was dull, middle school was tough, and the first two years of high school were like a roller coaster with what seemed to be more lows than highs. However, this last year has been the best of my life, and I have some pretty incredible friends to thank for that. So thanks Brandon, TJ, and Bacon, for being the best bros anybody could ask for. This is the time I want to be able to look back on in the future. The times we snuck into the schools, the times we wore crazy outfits in public for the hell of it, breaking bowling balls and tvs, making giant slingshots, making dope videos, lighting petes dragon the boat on fire, watching avatar in guitar, climbing around in the vents, climbing into the rafters of the gym, selling falsely advertised lemonade, meeting the worlds best coach, playing the varsity basketball team, and all the crazy/stupid/legendary things we have planned. These are the days I want to make nostalgic.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Watching her heartache, was harder than feeling mine

My heart is like a stallion, they like it more when it's broken.

Saying goodbye to you was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
We kissed that one time afterwords, I still have the picture of the Polaroid.
But since then we haven't talked, at least not face to face.

But today,
seeing you made me excited and terrified at the same time
It reminded me of good times we had together
but it also reminded me of why I had to end it all

I loved being with you
but there were always a few things that bothered me
and it felt like a constant war was raging inside my brain
and I couldn't decide which side I was on

Honestly, after it was over
I thought you would hate me.
But seeing you today made things better
It made it easier to confront the things I felt like I did wrong

The way I lied and always said I was happy, even when I wasn't

When I pushed you a little into making a choice neither one of us
were entirely ready for

For being too willing to jump into something deeper than I could handle

"I said I'd never let you go, and I never did, I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it"
With as much as I wish it were true, it wasn't

Seeing you happy now makes me forget a little about the heartache I caused you.
Because I can never forgive myself for watching your heart drop to the floor
And I wasn't there to catch it.

For that I am truly sorry

But now I have another chance with someone else,
So this time, I plan on doing things better.
Not just for her,
But for me too

So thank you for that

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Math, Contacts, and Diet Coke

For this story, you need to understand a few things. Back in elementary school, I was a pretty quite kid, who did a way better job at paying attention then I do now. Smart alec responses that I thought were usually reserved for my friends later when we were alone for lunch. Any remarks I made in class were directed towards the lesson, but that doesn't mean I didn't think of funny remarks to the situations to myself. It wasn't until about junior year I started voicing these thought for people to hear in the moment. However, one day in the fifth grade, I was feeling a little more bold than usual. We were in the middle of a math lesson, and we somehow got on the topic of glasses vs contacts. I'm pretty sure my teacher was making a comment of how she needed glasses in her old age, and my friend mentioned that she should get contacts instead. This is when I raised my hand. One last thing you need to know, is that this particular teacher loved to drink diet coke. And she just so happened to take a big swig right as she called on me. My response was, "Get contacts, it will help you obtain your natural beauty." with a helpful gesture suggesting I was lifting my long locks on the right side of my head as I said natural beauty. This happened to be so unsuspected that she began to laugh, taking that diet coke back up, out her nose, and all over the overhead and her math notebook. This moment, still stands as one of my crowning comedic achievements, because the laughter in the class didn't subside for another 5 minutes, and only continued after she shot me with a nerf gun as punishment. So Mrs. Rasmussen, this one goes out to you. Thank you

The Mask is Off

“The moment we cry in a film is not when things are sad but when they turn out to be more beautiful than we expected them to be.”
Alain de Botton

Sunday, March 27, 2016

I Forgive You, Forget You, The End

When I think of you,
a flood of emotion brings
tidal waves crashing inside my skull

When I see your picture,
I can't help the skip in my heart,
as it pours out all the love I have
just into the thought of you

At times I just sit and think about you,
think about how only you
can make me feel nervous and overjoyed
at the same time

When I think about the night your lips pressed into mine,
the blissfulness plays over and over in my head.
Even if it was just for a game,
and not what I wish it could be.

I know you'll never read this.
Because you are long gone,
and I am left here,
wondering what I could have done different
to change this outcome.

Things are too complicated now,
and I know we will never be,
But I want you to know,
with all the women I have loved,
none of them have made me feel
the way he does.

Holding the hand that holds me back,
I forgive you, forget you, the end
