When it comes to the end,
ask yourself,
Did you live your life?
Did you fulfill your dreams?
Hell is filled with good intentions,
but Heaven is filled with good deeds.
You can't just want what's best for the world or yourself,
you have to be willing to give it.
Whether you give it up,
or give it your all,
it's up to you to make the choice
to give.
I lie awake at night listening to the voices inside my head.
You're not worth it, You are worth it
You can't do it, You can do anything
People don't like being around you, People love being around you
Go ahead let go, Just hold on
Your time is up, You still have time
Just end it now, You have your whole life ahead of you
Pick up the knife, you can't give in
Your life is a mistake, Your life is a miracle
Voices dancing in my head.
But at the end of the day,
it isn't what I think,
but what I DO,
that matters.
You say you need a greater purpose?
I say you need to see what's coming
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